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Can I Remove the Catalytic Converter from my Car?

Can I Remove the Catalytic Converter from my Car?

A catalytic converter is a piece of the vehicle whose function is to reduce the amount of polluting gases emitted into the atmosphere. Critics say that catalytic converters reduce the power of a car's engine and so are in favor of removing it. However, in addition to negative consequences for the environment, this action may have legal implications. At oneHOWTO we'll give you an answer to the question of whether or not it is bad to remove a catalytic converter from a car.

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  1. Environmental issues
  2. MOT issues
  3. Noise issues
  4. Energy issues
  5. Final word

Environmental issues

As we said before, the job of a catalytic converter is environmental, as it makes cars less harmful by affecting the gases emitted by the engine which are expelled through the exhaust. More specifically, the catalyst in the catalytic converter creates a chemical reaction that converts gases so they are less harmful, even by 90% less. Therefore, if you get rid of the catalytic converter, you make your car more polluting.

MOT issues

In addition to being more of a pollutant, a car which has had its catalytic converter removed can be illegal if it emits more polluting gases than permitted by law. In this sense, you may be fined if you are stopped and are proved to be causing high emissions and your car may not even pass its MOT. At this point, you yourself can answer the question of whether or not it is bad to remove a catalytic converter from a car.

Can I Remove the Catalytic Converter from my Car? - MOT issues

Noise issues

Another reason not to remove the catalytic converter is the fact that it's not good from the standpoint of noise pollution either. In this way, your engine will make more noise every time it accelerates, causing more disturbances wherever you drive, either on the motorway or in the city.

Energy issues

From a financial point of view, removing a car's catalytic converter has no benefit. Indeed, without this piece your vehicle will consume more energy and consequently increase the amount you spend on petrol each month, even though your car may accelerate faster.

Final word

Those who are in favor of removing this piece say that there is still a lot of power left in the car's engine. However, the beneficial effects of a catalytic converter outweigh the potential negative effects on performance that, in any case, are hardly noticeable. With good maintenance you can improve your car's engine and will thus will perform well despite having a catalytic converter.

Can I Remove the Catalytic Converter from my Car? - Final word

With these considerations and arguments you can decide for yourself whether or not it is bad to remove a catalytic converter from a car. It is a good idea to use another means to achieve the benefits you are looking for by removing this item.

If you want to read similar articles to Can I Remove the Catalytic Converter from my Car?, we recommend you visit our Car Maintenance and Repair category.

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I got a car removed the catalist it's a Nissan mr20 engine. Now it's not drive. And how can I fix this problem I don't intent to put it back
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Prince,

We don't know the reason for not driving, so you will need to go to a mechanic for diagnostic testing if you are also unsure.
lorenzo maynard
my car when i accelerate it dont speed more dan 45 mph .
could be the catalistic convert?
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Can I Remove the Catalytic Converter from my Car?