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Car Won’t Move in Drive But Will in Reverse: Causes & Solutions

Car Won’t Move in Drive But Will in Reverse: Causes & Solutions

Have you noticed that your car won’t go forward but will reverse or your car won’t reverse but will go forward? The main reason for this happening is due to transmission malfunctions. When it comes to car problems, however, we always recommend consulting a mechanic in order to make sure that your car is safe to drive.

But for now, to find out why my car won’t reverse but will go forward or vice versa, its most common causes and solutions, keep reading here at oneHOWTO.

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  1. My car won’t reverse but will go forward
  2. Car won’t back up in reverse: causes
  3. My car starts but won’t move when in drive: solution

My car won’t reverse but will go forward

The most common reason for a car not moving in drive or reverse is because of transmission problems. In this case, you will need to check your gear function, gear shifter and clutch. The most likely cause for a car not moving forward is because of malfunctions within the gear components. But how do you spot a transmission problem in a car? Here are the most evident signs your car is experiencing faulty transmission:

  • Car won’t move in drive but will in reverse.
  • Car pausing before moving.
  • Delayed vehicle response.
  • Car shaking.
  • Car jumping when changing gears or accelerating.
  • Gear shifter is difficult to move or won’t go into gear properly.
  • Your transmission fluid may appear cloudier and thicker than normal.

For more about the causes of a car not moving in gear, keep reading below!

Car won’t back up in reverse: causes

The most common transmission problems, which may explain why your car won’t reverse but will move forward include:

  • A worn out clutch.
  • A detached clutch cable.
  • Faulty needle roller bearings.
  • Old and worn out gear synchronizes.
  • Dirty, low or old transmission fluid.
  • Burning transmission fluid.
  • Wrong type of transmission fluid.
  • Clogged fluid filter.
  • If your automatic car won’t reverse but will move forward, it could be due to a broken shift linkage or internal hard part damage.

If you believe that this may be the reason why your car is not moving forward but reversing, we recommend consulting your mechanic as soon as possible.

For more about car transmission issues, we recommend reading our following articles:

Car Won’t Move in Drive But Will in Reverse: Causes & Solutions - Car won’t back up in reverse: causes

My car starts but won’t move when in drive: solution

If your car won’t move in drive or reverse (or one of the two), we recommend consulting your mechanic who will be able to identify the exact problem and fix it accordingly.

But, to make sure the problem is due to transmission: you can also check your transmission fluid at home. When doing this, however, make sure that your car is on flat ground with the engine in idling. In addition, when adding more transmission fluid, make sure to not overfill the fluid level. Check for any apparent leaks before doing so.

You can avoid transmission problems by regularly checking your fluid and changing it when necessary. In addition, never ride your clutch and if you hear or notice anything strange happening with your car, attend to it immediately.

For more about car problems related to gear and transmission, we recommend reading our following motor articles:

If you want to read similar articles to Car Won’t Move in Drive But Will in Reverse: Causes & Solutions, we recommend you visit our Car Maintenance and Repair category.

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Car Won’t Move in Drive But Will in Reverse: Causes & Solutions